PN List
Greetings to all Planetary Nebulae lovers!
Since I assume that most of you are English speaking or at least have learned English at school - just as I did - this page and the list of planetary nebulae is kept in English.
I started working on that list in October 2017 and it took me quite a while. It is not completed, yet. Actually, I wanted to include GAIA 2 data to the central stars, but the last years were quite demanding for me both privately and jobwise. However, it is usable now, I believe.
For many years I have used Kent Wallace's PN list from 2003 which was modified by the late Doug Snyder. Sometime in 2017 I wanted to know, how many PNs there are in our galaxy. So, I "asked" SIMBAD (11642 PNs) and manually separated the PNs that are in our galaxy from the ones in other galaxies. That alone took me a month or so. There are 2699 "true" PNs in our galaxy, 873 possible PNs, 295 proto PNs (which I also included) and 555 non-PNs (that are objects that sometime between their discovery and today at least once were believed to be PNs but are none).

I tried to gather as much data as possible of my beloved objects and included them to the list. Well, I could talk for another hour or so on this topic but don't want to annoy you. So, without further ado, here it is:
Download V1.2
It is an Excel sheet. I have tested for viruses and other harmful things to no avail using Antivir. You may want to accomplish the same procedure with your antivirus software. However, I do not take any responsibility.
OK, one more thing to say here: The list is free to use, to share and to adapt to your personal needs. If you use it for publications, I'd appreciate, if you mentioned the credits as indicated.
I do not want any money, but if you feel the urge of reimbursement, please consider making a donation to your local children cancer aid. Thank you!